Our services.


Chiropractic Adjustments

A tried and true manual therapy shown to alleviate neck and back pain, increase range of motion, and restore neuromuscular connection.



Utilized for adding stability, muscular reeducation, and movement pattern training.


Instrument assisted soft tissue massage remains popular with athletes for its success and effectiveness at reducing myofascial adhesion (sticky muscles). Specialized treatments catered specifically to each patient can greatly enhance your training recovery, reduce muscle soreness and even aid in healing injured tissues. Instruments used include Rock-blades, cupping, and FAKTR blades.



Shown to be effective at increasing circulation to tight muscle regions, relieving muscular tension and spasm, as well as softening tough trigger points.

Neuromuscular Reeducation

The lifeblood of correcting bad habits and poor movement mechanics. Recruit what you intend. Rehab what is damaged. Remain safe.


MUSCLE Release Therapy (MRT)

A highly effective form of assisted stretching that enhances muscular range of motion, increases flexibility, and decreases muscle stiffness and soreness.

Trigger-point Rolling

Sometimes all you really need is just a firm and deliberate roll out of the spinal erectors and back postural muscles. Learn new rolling techniques from us to take home to use with your own foam rolling routines.